YPSILANTI—Roustabout’s Big Daddy Shakespeare runs July 11-14 in yes [Ypsi Experimental Space] in downtown Ypsilanti at 8 N Washington St.
Managing Director Anna Simmons has once again adapted a compilation of Shakespeare’s works, centered upon a single theme. For this production, the scenes, sonnets, and excerpts will come together with original dialogue to create a night of theater focused on parenthood. This montage will explore a side of William Shakespeare we don’t often think about: his role as a father and son.
Big Daddy Shakespeare will be directed by Josie Eli Lapczynski, Roustabout’s Media Designer and the artist behind Roustabout’s signature branding. The ensemble cast of four actors – Amanda Buchalter, Julia Garlotte, Russ Schwartz, and Cynthia Szczesny – will play over 50 characters throughout the play! Finally, this production will be fully designed and built by the Roustabout team as the studio production of the season.